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This November Italik continued its annual tradition of following the movement ‘Movember’- the month in which people put down their razors and trimmers and let their facial hair bloom, However all done for a good cause;

Men’s health is in crisis. Men are dying on average 5 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons.

A growing number of men – around 10.8M globally – are facing life with a prostate cancer diagnosis. Globally, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men. And across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for 69% of all suicides.

Movember is uniquely placed to address this crisis on a global scale. They fund groundbreaking projects all over the world, engaging men where they are to understand what works best and accelerate change. (Movember – About Us).

In total Italik raised £640 this month, in addition to growing some fantastic moustaches and walking a collective amount of 97 Kilometers all in dedication to Movember.

Take a look at our journey last month:

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